Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Masturbating men ‘will find their hands pregnant in the afterlife,’ ‘claims Muslim televangelist’

 Masturbating men 'will find their hands pregnant in the afterlife,' 'claims Muslim televangelist'
This will be devastating news to anyone who enjoys jerking the gherkin, choking the chicken, stroking the snake, spanking the monkeyyanking the chain, a little self-pleasure once in a while.
A Muslim televangelist has reportedly claimed that men who masturbate will find their hands pregnant in the afterlife.
Mucahid Cihad Han was answering questions on private television station 2000 TV when a viewer said that he ‘kept masturbating even though he was married,’ reports the Turkish Hurriyet Daily News.
After repeating the question, Mr Han responded by saying masturbation is haram (forbidden) in Islam and the viewer should ‘resist Satan’s temptations’.

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