Saturday, 23 July 2016

Read how this Woman got to marry the Man of her dreams just with a tweet

It's good to always be true to yourself and say how you feel with no pretense. Back in 2012, Victoria O’Brien tweeted to say she was “in love” with whoever was running the Twitter account for the Waterstones bookshop on Oxford Street in London.
It was a joke, of course, but a dare and a lot of dates later, Victoria has just married the man behind the account, Jonathan.
it all started with some Pokemon-related banter, with Jonathan tweeting: “While there are now millions of books, the first 150 were obviously the best. No, wait..that’s Pokemon.”
Other Twitter users replied naming their favorite Pokemon, until Victoria, clearly amused by the thread, said: “Well I’m in love with whoever is manning the @WstonesOxfordSt account. Be still my actual beating heart.”
One of Victoria’s friends dared her to get a date with the “Oxford Street guy” within a week.
She didn’t quite meet the deadline, but after two months they finally met up and the rest, as they say, is history.

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