As expected, school girls have to do something with their hair, either to braid or to cut.
However, there are some schools where girls aren’t allowed to braid their hair, there’s only a single hairstyle and it’s called “lowcut”. Ever wondered why? Let’s check out these few reasons I have below :
1. Uniformity – Apart form school wears which regulate the appearance of the students, it would make sense if the students’ hair is also regulated and kept in the simplest way (lowcut).Thus, enhancing the students’ uniformity.
2. Time management – The time female students spend in making their hair which would be done every week could be used for something more productive and helpful in their academics instead of spending some hours going through the pain of making hair.
3. Belief – Some schools believe that making students go through the pain of making hair every week is an unnecessary suffering so they insist girls must cut their hair.
4. Economic reasons – Looking at the cost of making hair every week, it’s quite expensive after paying school fees, buying textbooks, etc.Schools mandate girls must cut their hair to keep cost of maintenance down.
5. Control – The school mandating girls to cut their hair is another means of control over their students, apart from other things they have control over.
So, there are my humble reasons, on Why Some Nigerian Secondary Schools Mandate Girls Must Cut Their Hair.