Friday, 15 July 2016

Checkout The List Of Nigerian Universities Currently On Strike Or Closed Indefinitely

Checkout The List Of Nigerian Universities Currently On Strike Or Closed Indefinitely, It really saddens my heart when I look at the way our education system is being run in this part of the world.  Most of our higher institutions are currently on strike or closed indefinitely due to one reason or the other, to me corruption has really eaten down the roots of our system, why would our citadel of learning be the bedrock of fund mismanagement and embezzlement, why would a journey of 4 years turn to 6 years?  it seems our leaders can’t practice what they preach. 

Below are the list of schools I know are currently on strike:- 

♦ Kogi State University 
♦ Obafemi Awolowo University
 ♦ Ladoke Akintola University 

This are the few universities I know, I strongly stand with my fellow students in their struggle.

Together let’s use the social media to raise our voice of discomfort and pain loud for them to hear our cry.  Open up our schools and stop wasting our youthful age. 
Support the trend #reopenourschools. 

Written by:- Admin