Friday, 22 July 2016

Basic Skills You Must Learn Now Before Going To Any Higher Institution

 One thing is clear, higher institution is a lot different than secondary school. Not only when it comes to academics, but your personal lifestyle as well. You no longer have immediate access to your parents who cook your meals,watch your clothes,pick you up from school and assist you with other things that go by unnoticed.

Here is a short advice for those of you who are attending higher institution for the first time on some basic life skills you will need to learn.

You will need to learn the following:
How to do Laundry
In any higher institution (university, polytechnic, colleges of education or technical college) you will need to do your own laundry. If you don’t have much knowledge or skills in doing your own laundry, the time is now for you start learning how
to do it.

How to Fold Your Clothes
Now that you have practiced and mastered how to watch your own clothes neatly, the next thing is to learn how to fold and arrange your clothes, you’ll need to know how to properly fold and store your clothing items. Don’t be one of those students who show up to class in a wrinkled clothes. Use proper clothes folding techniques to keep your wears in shape.

How to Iron Your Clothes
As mentioned above, you want to keep your clothes from being wrinkled. You want your clothes looking sharp, especially when it comes to time to dress up. You will need learn different techniques used in Ironing clothes, as different clothes have different Ironing techniques.

How to Knot a Tie
I’m guilty of this.. It’s best to learn beforehand how to knot a tie now as we all know how rushed we can become on an important day where formal wear is required. Maybe during presentation or project defense.

How to Start a Conversation
I believed that when you are still a kid your parents always warn you not to talk strangers. Well! that advice may have been okay at the time, it’s some of the worst advice we can carry on to our later years. My point is that you need to be comfortable talking to someone you don’t know or you’ll never meet anyone to talk to in school. So speak freely, smile, and be ready and willing to interact with fellow students on campus.

How to have a Healthy Diet/Eat Properly
As mentioned earlier above, you no longer have that access to healthy cooked jollof rice from sweet mama. Students are often in a hurry and often grab whatever comes cheap and easy. Unfortunately this means a lot of fast food. To ensure you don’t become a victim, you’ll have to keep an eye on your diet and make sure you are eating healthy.

How to be Organized
An organized student is a prepared student who is able to get things done faster and in good order.

How to Study
The academic rigor of college can be an eye opening experience for many students. The sad fact is that many students at this level. They don’t have an understanding of proper and effective techniques when it comes to studying and preparing for exams.

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