Friday, 22 July 2016

10 Real Tips for Surviving Your First Year of Marriage

For all of the newlyweds out there, first off congratulations. It’s an exciting time in your life and a wonderful new beginning. As you navigate through the years and continue to build on your marriage, here are a few tips to keep in mind.
1. Your marriage needs a foundation
Both partners benefit greatly if the marriage is built on core values and principles. Allowing God to be the head of your union and scripture to lead your marriage is the greatest foundation of all.
2. Your spouse is your best friend

Now I know some will argue that this isn’t always the case. But if you’re doing marriage right, your spouse will definitely play the BFF role. For example, they’re the one you share everything with and the one you run to when sharing the good and the bad. If you looked up the definition for a BFF, your spouse should fit the position quite nicely.
3. Your marriage is your safe space
Each partner should create that space for each other. It should be the safe haven where trust and vulnerability are commonplace.
4. Your marriage is your own
It doesn’t belong to your parents, your in-laws or your friends. What worked for others may not work for you and your spouse. Don’t be easily influenced by outside forces.
5. Your marriage needs intimacy
Being able to connect mentally, verbally and physically is why healthy marriages survive. Be sure to love on your spouse in every sense of the word. Touching, kissing, caressing, fondling and embracing are all necessary. Make intimacy a part of the regular routine.
6. Your marriage needs healthy communication
Couples, especially newlyweds, should be building a solid foundation in their relationship. Learning how to disagree agreeably and make requests is key to healthy communication.
7. Your marriage needs goals
The same as every other plan in your life. Couples should think about the future and plan for it as well. Do you want joy and peace? If so, consider the action steps you both have to take in order to achieve that goal.
8. Your spouse’s needs won’t stop
Even if you stop providing for their needs, your spouse will still have needs. Protect your marriage. Couples must make sure they are clear on what the other partner needs and be willing to meet those needs consistently.
9. Your spouse will need you to make sacrifices
Sometimes you’ll come last or have to do something you aren’t that excited about. Marriage is about doing more giving than we are taking. Just remember that.
10. Your marriage will always be a reflection of the effort you put into it
If it isn’t what you expected, take an internal assessment and examine where you could personally do better.
You may have heard that marriage is work. Don’t allow that to frighten you. It’s the greatest time ever to be married. Marriage can be so amazing and rewarding when couples love hard and are realistic about what’s needed to maintain their relationship. Again, congrats to all of you newlyweds and may God shower your marriage with His love.

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