Monday, 1 June 2015

Students who sleep with the same sex are more likely to get pregnant, says new study

Lesbian, gay and bisexual students more likely to get pregnant, says study
A new study has revealed that lesbian, gay and bisexual high school students have a higher rate of pregnancy than their heterosexual peers.
Confused? Keep reading.
Research, led by Dr Lisa Lindley, a professor of global and community health at George Mason University, looked at the sexual orientation of 9,703 New York students – analysing their sexual identity and the gender of sexual partners.
The findings revealed that 23 per cent of reported pregnancies were women who categorised themselves as lesbian, and 20 per cent from those who identified as bisexual.
This is in comparison to a lesser pregnancy rate of 13.3 per cent in females who identified as heterosexual but had slept with women, and 13.7 per cent in those who had only ever slept with men.
Lesbian, gay and bisexual students more likely to get pregnant, says study\

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