Fortunately, help is at hand. Because now you can get someone else to do your dirty work for you. Yes, you can outsource your breakups.
For around $5 AUS (£2.50), the Sorry It’s Over service will dump your significant other via text, email, handwritten letter or even a phone call.
If you’re feeling generous (read: really guilty) you can even ease your ex’s heartbreak with a sympathy hamper and personalised message for $90 AUS (£45).
The service is the brainchild of 37-year-old Aussie Kristy Mazins, who totally gets that the social media generation can no longer cope with actual IRL social interactions.

She added: ‘People don’t like the confrontation. People are scared of it. It’s a much needed service because it takes the fear out of breaking up.’
The customer outlines the message they wish to convey and Kristy puts it into a message, adding a few cliche platitudes along the way.

Sadly, the service is only available in Australia at the moment but chuck us a few quid and we’d be happy to draft an email for you.
Otherwise, you’ll just have to grow a pair and do it yourself.