Monday 18 May 2015

Woman caught with cocaine hidden in private part

Brittany Ann Sapp

A woman from Maryland, USA, Brittany Ann Sapp, is now in jail after a body scanner detected heroin in her private part.
The 23-year-old Sapp was arrested after a deputy in Frederick County, Maryland, pulled her over for a traffic violation.
During the stop, a K-9 unit sniffed out the presence of narcotics in the car. A search discovered a substance suspected to be heroin, which led to Sapp's arrest.
Sapp was taken to central booking at the Frederick County Adult Detention Center for processing. And while she was there, authorities used a body scanner on her that detected a baggie in her private part containing another 1.7 grams of heroin.
She was transferred to a local hospital a short time later after she showed symptoms suggesting that she ingested at least some heroin.
Sapp was charged with possession of heroin and possession of contraband in a place of confinement.