Thursday, 7 May 2015

Tyga Slams The Critics And Defends Kylie!!!

Wow, did he just go there?! We think he went there! Early Thursday morning (May 7), rapper Tyga told TMZ how he really feels about his rumored relationship with Kylie Jenner… and he did not hold back on speaking his mind!
Although Kylie is 17 years old, Tyga said he doesn’t care about the laws, because unless someone complains about him being with a minor, the cops don’t care either.
“Tyga is telling friends, as far as he’s concerned Kylie is more mature than most adults,” the site reported. “She’s a millionaire who runs a company and even owns her own home.”
Because we didn’t already know that Kylie wasn’t your average 17 year old!!

Tyga (real name Michael Nguyen-Stevenson) says he “doesn’t give a f*** about what the law says.”
As Kylie gets ready to move into her first home in Calabasas, we can’t help but applaud Tyga for voicing his opinion.
TMZ reports that he “thinks age is relative, and there’s nothing ‘morally wrong’ with a mature 17-year-old dating a 25-year-old.”
Luckily for the rapper, law enforcement officials agree — they would not investigate a relationship with a 17 year old unless someone complains. Although their relationship has been in high speculation, “they say, so far no one has complained.”
You tell ‘em, Tyga!

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