Thursday, 14 May 2015

Iker Casillas pulls off hilarious foul throw in dying seconds of Real Madrid v Juventus

Casillas kills off Madrid's CL hopes with hilarious foul throw, gets slaughtered on Twitter
Schoolboy stuff (Picture: Twitter)
Imagine the scenario – you’re Real Madrid goalkeeper Iker Casillas, your side is trailing Juventus in the dying seconds of the Champions League semi-final and you need to get the ball back in play ASAP.
Then you go and pull off one of the feeblest foul throws in modern history.
Casillas has been subjected to some serious stick by the Bernabeu faithful in recent weeks, and this really isn’t going to help his cause.
Still, a certain £85.3million Welshman might secretly be hoping that this takes some of the heat off of his own performance…

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