Monday, 18 May 2015

5 signs you clearly have 'daddy issues'

How is your relationship with your father?
 Worried woman
According to Social worker and therapist Sonja Keller, tells women to answer these questions: How is your relationship with your father? Did he leave when you were a child? Was he there but not really there? Did he abuse you in anyway?
Keller then says that that if you say yes to any of these things then you are one of the many women out there who people classify as having “daddy issues”.

Krystle Crossman of Healthy Black Woman lists some characteristics about women with “daddy issues” and how you can turn these characteristics into healthy relationships if you identify with any of them.
  1. If you would rather be in a relationship that is messed up and unhappy you may have a problem. Be mindful of who you jump into a relationship with and think about whether you are with them because you actually have a connection or whether you just don’t want to be alone. Work on telling yourself that you are single and it is okay. You are in the right place and are okay.
  2. Do you find yourself dating men who are much older than you are? This is one of the classic signs of “daddy issues”. You may be trying to find a father type to take care of you. He will have more power as he is older and wiser. Tell yourself that you want your power back.
  3. You have sex… a lot. You may tend to jump into bed with every guy that you meet. This is very dangerous for many reasons. Think about what you are putting your body through and the risk you are taking. Tell yourself that you respect your body too much to keep up with that behavior.
  4. You may find yourself constantly needing affection. You need to hear “I love you”. You need hugs. You need to know that he is going to be home at night with you. If you continue with this you will push your partner away. Make sure that you tell yourself that you love yourself and remind yourself of that constantly.
  5. You suffocate your partner with your clinginess. You always need to be near them to make sure that they aren’t going to leave you. Keep telling yourself that things are okay and that your partner is not going to leave.

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