Nollywood star, Ini Edo, is on the second day of a media tour to promote her new movie, While You Slept. The movie opened on March 20, and is currently in its third week at the cinemas. Some of the media houses which the actress has visited on her media tour are NTA, Rhythm 93.7 FM, Silverbird Television, and The Beat 99.9 FM. Check out some pictures from her media tour after the cut ...
Toke Makinwa and Ini Edo at Rhythm 93.7 FM |
Ini Edo and Toke Makinwa on 'The Morning Ride' at Rhythm 93.7 FM |
Aghogho Oboh, Ini Edo, and Victoria Pepple at Silverbird TV |
Ini Edo at The Beat 99.9 FM |
Osikhena Dirisu, Maria Okan, Ini Edo, and Olisa Adibua at The Beat 99.9 FM |