Thursday 30 April 2015

Boko Haram Members In Zimbabwe En Route South Africa?

Members of terrorist group, Boko Haram are in Zimbabwe on their way to South Africa, Zimbabwe’s national intelligence agency claims.
According to reports from ZimEye, a UK-based news outlet, the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) issued an intelligence report, warning that the militant group is in Zimbabwe en route to neighbouring South Africa.

The South African intelligence service has alerted police officers in Zimbabwe’s Matebeleland region about Boko Haram’s intentions to infiltrate the republic.
Another Zimbabwean media outlet, Harare24, claims “Officers were yesterday called for duty at around 9pm and are now temporarily stationed at selected police stations where they camp.”
While iHarare reports that police spokes persons have not responded to a request for clarification on the original ZimEye report, and official statements from the government of Zimbabwe regarding Boko Haram’s potential presence in Zimbabwe do not appear to exist.
Boko Haram reportedly released a video nearly two weeks ago urging South Africa to end the xenophobic attacks taking place within its borders.
In the clip which has not been verified as authentic, Boko Haram warned that it would execute all South Africans in Nigeria, Chad, Niger, and other surrounding countries if the government of South Africa failed to contain the situation.